Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Advanced Innovation Academy

    • Introduction to Full Length Class

    • Being a Public Servant

    • Course Goals

    • Your Goals

    • Did Our Goals Align?

    • What You Will Need

    • Re-Framing

    • Empowering Public Servants, Philadelphia Ideas Festival

    • Things to Think About

  • 2

    Set-Up and Investment

    • What to Expect

    • How Can Innovation Academy Work In Large Organizations?

    • Where Did We Get All This? Where Should You Focus?

    • Quiz

  • 3

    SAY IT: Practical Problem-Solving

    • What to Expect

    • Structuring Problems

    • Intro to Problem-Solving Through the TPS

    • Why This?

    • Cycle of Improvement

    • MEAT to Every Problem

    • The Toyota Example Revisited

    • How Did They Solve It?

    • Form Prep

    • Fill Out an Innovation Form

  • 4

    SEE IT Tools

    • What to Expect

    • Process Mapping

    • Timing

    • Process Map Tricks

    • Make a Process Map!

    • 8 Wastes or Downtime

    • Downtime On Your Map

    • Using It Together

    • Add Downtime to Your Process Map

    • How It Can Help You

  • 5

    Additional SEE IT Tools

    • What to Expect

    • SEE IT Pre-Quiz

    • Value in the Map

    • Value Definition

    • Value Matrix

    • Value Wrap-Up

    • Spaghetti Diagrams

    • Everyone Loves More Spaghetti

    • Solving With a Spaghetti Diagram

    • Communication Circles

    • Wrap Up to Communication Circles

    • Cause and Effect

    • Cause and Effect Wrap-Up

    • Using the Tools Together to Help Reduce Hiring Time

    • SEE IT Post-Quiz

  • 6

    Systems of Work: Setting Up For a Solution

    • What to Expect

    • Authors Brian Elms and Ken Miller Discuss What’s Happening at Work

    • Understanding Your System

    • There Are Multiple Customers

    • Build Your System of Work and Voice of the Customer

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    SOLVE IT Tools

    • What to Expect

    • Standard Work Intro

    • Airplanes and Standards

    • Write Some Directions

    • Simple Checklists

    • Reproducible Process

    • Make Some Standard Work Using 3 Simple Things

    • Culture of Standards

    • Make a Checklist of Standard Work For Your Innovation Form

    • Intro to 6S Game

    • 6S Card Game

    • Sorting

    • Set

    • Shine

    • Standardize

    • Sustain

    • Safety

    • Finish the Game

    • 6S Wrap-Up

    • Real-Life Large-Scale 6S

    • Identify an Area in Your Organization that Needs to Be 6S

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    More Ways to SOLVE IT

    • What to Expect

    • IF/THEN Pull It All Through

    • SOLVE IT Pre-Quiz

    • Visual Management

    • Making a Visual Workplace

    • Scoreboard in Use

    • Batching vs. Flow Game

    • Flow Breakdown

    • Correct and Accurate

    • Error Proofing

    • Error Proof Wrap-Up

    • Nudging

    • Ways to Nudge

    • Nudge Wrap-Up

    • Nudge Activity

    • SOLVE IT Post-Quiz

  • 9

    Next Steps

    • What to Expect

    • What's Working, What Needs Work?

    • Plus Delta

    • Impact and Effort

    • Impact Effort Drawing

    • Impact Effort Conclusion

    • Barriers to Getting Started

    • What Would You Fix With All the Tools?

    • Course Review

    • From the Top…To Goodbye

    • It’s For Everyone to Enjoy!